Advancing Chiropractic through Integration, Research and Collaboration
The future of healthcare is poised to experience transformative trends that leverage cutting-edge technologies to enhance patient outcomes, improve accessibility and streamline healthcare delivery.
These trends will profoundly affect healthcare providers, influencing the way they deliver care, interact with patients and manage healthcare processes. They will impact healthcare education, reshaping the way professionals are trained and stay updated on cutting-edge advancements. They could drive a shift toward more technology enhanced, interdisciplinary and personalized approaches in healthcare education, fostering a workforce that is adaptable, technologically proficient and capable of delivering high quality care in the evolving healthcare landscape.
ACCRAC 2025 will engage in an exploration of emerging technologies, best practices and innovation that will certainly impact the chiropractic landscape. It will provide a forum for attendees to investigate these transformative trends in healthcare such as AI, a shift towards value-based care, digital health literacy, personalisation of treatment, treating the whole person, interdisciplinary collaboration, ethical and legal considerations and wellness.
We hope to see you in New Orleans in 2025.
March 20-22, 2025
Sheraton Hotel in New Orleans
The 2025 Association of Chiropractic Colleges Educational Conference and Research Agenda Conference (ACC-RAC) scientific submissions committee invites original research and studies that will promote the dissemination and discussion of new information.
The abstract due date is September 1, 2024.
Obtain your patient’s consent to publish or present their clinical case information at the ACCRAC conference, while ensuring their anonymity and confidentiality.
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